Become A Community Partner

Big changes start with one person making a small decision
The White Ribbon Australia Community Partner Program initiative empowers regular people to start changing the way their community engages with violence against women. A grassroots approach emboldens people to take action and address the underlying reasons it happens in the first place.
It’s reframing the narrative from seeing it as an individual’s problem to deal with to a community’s issue that can be faced together.
What is a White Ribbon Australia Community Partner?
White Ribbon Australia Community Partners are everyday people who have chosen to take direct action against men’s violence against women within their own communities. They educate people on the core issues being faced, sharing knowledge in real-life forums, in schools and online.

How does it work?
The Community Partners Program offers a range of training, reflection and connection opportunities to build our knowledge and skills to prevent men’s violence against women. We believe that self-reflection and knowledge are key to meaningful and sustainable social change. Community Partners will meet virtually with each other and will then connect with their own communities to encourage men to make women’s safety a man’s issue too.
How do I become a White Ribbon Australia Community Partner?
Anybody can become a Community Partner. When we have the skills, knowledge and commitment to work towards gender equality, we all have the ability to make meaningful grassroots change in our everyday lives to end violence against women.

I wanted to be part of the solution to prevent domestic violence occurring in the future
White Ribbon Australia Community Partners work to bring about change in their communities, although the active time commitment isn’t as much as you might think.