Barber Shop

A resource hub for men and boys who want to prevent men’s violence against women.

Choose Your Style Here
The Style Guide
A fact sheet of practical steps men can take every day to prevent violence against women.
The Full Shave
The Full Shave helps men challenge outdated stereotypes of what "being a man" means by showing them alternative ways of thinking about masculinity. An audio recording is available in 8 languages. Download the PDF to start listening.
The Mohawk
The Mohawk helps dads raise boys who are respectful. It shows men how to take responsibility and model respectful behaviours for their kids.
The Topknot
The Topknot is a resource for men who want to learn how to call other men into the movement to prevent men’s violence against women.
The Undercut
The Undercut helps men break out of "the Man Box". It uses the findings of the Man Box study to change how we define "being a man", and offers support to combat the pressure men face from society to act a certain way.
The Mullet
The Mullet is a guide for men who want respectful relationships. It talks about the role of communication, consent and respectful behaviour in a healthy relationship.
The Pompadour
From serious long-term relationships to casual hookups, The Pompadour is a resource for anyone who wants to learn about respectful sexual relationships.
The Man Bun
The Man Bun shows men how to step up and stop violence. It offers advice on how to react to disrespectful comments, and acts of violence, and talks about the difference each man can make in preventing violence against women.
The Long Beard
The Long Beard is our STOP Action Toolkit, which provides examples of unacceptable behaviour and shows everybody how they can See, Talk, Offer support and prevent men’s violence against women.
You can also learn more about the topics covered in the White Ribbon Australia Barber Shop by listening to the Fade Out podcast. This podcast was created by the Riverland Domestic Violence Action Group, one of our Community Action Groups.
Fade Out provides a space for men to dive into questions like “what makes a man, a man?”, “how do I ask someone what they like in the bedroom?” and “how do I talk about my mental health with others?”.
As well as our digital hub, White Ribbon Australia hosts a number of physical pop-up Barber Shops for Australian men to visit in real life.
Our partners include Sydney Barbers, Deadly Hair Dude and The Barber Academy.

Keen to host your own Barber Shop?
If you own or work at a barber shop and want to hear how you can turn it into a safe space for men, please contact us.