Child Safety
We are a Child Wise Accredited Workplace
That means we have been independently assessed as an organisation that has child safe policies, processes, and culture. Our Child Safe Accreditation is a demonstration of our commitment to keeping you safe.

Our Child Safe Commitment
Everyone who works or volunteers at White Ribbon has a set of rules for how they should act around you. This includes staff, board members, volunteers, students, and contractors. These rules make sure you are included and safe.
You can read more about these rules in our Child Safe Code of Conduct.

What can I do if I don’t feel safe?
If you or somebody you know feels unsafe, you can tell an adult you trust. This could be a parent or carer, a family member, a trusted friend, a teacher or someone who works at your school, a doctor or counsellor, or one of the White Ribbon Australia staff from our programs.
If you need immediate help, call kids helpline 1800 551 800.