Education Panels

At our panels you CAN ask that
Our You Can Ask That panel discussions are designed to open up the conversations necessary to have to foster respectful relationships, promote gender equality and prevent harassment and abuse. There to provide knowledge, tools and strategies, as well as the space for people of all ages to ask the questions they’ve always wanted to.
The panels are split into two parts.
First, Primary Prevention experts, hosted by White Ribbon Australia, answer four questions relating to the drivers of violence, abuse and disrespect.

First, Primary Prevention experts, hosted by White Ribbon Australia, answer four questions relating to the drivers of violence, abuse and disrespect.

The panel then becomes interactive, with experts answering questions from the audience. Those attending are given time to submit these anonymously prior to the event.
The panel then becomes interactive, with experts answering questions from the audience. Those attending are given time to submit these anonymously prior to the event.
Keen to learn more?
To take part in a White Ribbon Australia panel, please fill out the form below.